Parcel Search > Advanced

To find one or more tax parcels based on a set of criteria such as property class or lot size:



1)  Click on the Parcel Search button. This will open the Parcel Search window.  




2)  Click on the Advanced Parcel Search tab.  See image below.




3)  The Query window will refresh to display multiple criteria selection boxes.  See image above.


You may select one or more criterion upon which to base your query.






Landuse is based on the NYS property classification codes (100-level categories: residential, commercial, vacant, etc.).







Division is the subdivision of the NYS property classification codes. You may select one or more divisions only when a landuse is selected. When a landuse is selected, by default all divisions for a landuse category will be selected.  


Hold down the CTRL key to select more than one division.




Assessed Value:



Enter a minimum and/or maximum assessed value.  Do not use dollar signs, commas or decimals.  For example, $10,000.00 should be entered as 10000.




Lot Size:

(min/max acres)


You may perform a search on the acreage of a lot.  Enter the minimum and maximum acres.  




4) Select your criteria and click on the Search button to execute the query or click Close Window to close the window.



5)  Review the results of your search in the Query Results window.  Results are displayed from the tax parcel attribute table.